About The African Union Institute for Statistics
STATAFRIC is the African Union Institute for Statistics | Production, harmonisation and dissemination of quality statistics in Africa

The African Union Institute for Statistics known as STATAFRIC was created in January 2013 by the African Union Summit of Heads of States and Government held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It has its headquarters in Tunis, Tunisia. Its strategic vision is to be the Centre of Reference for the production of quality statistics on Africa. Its mission is to provide comparable, reliable, and updated statistics at the opportune time, and to regularly support the African integration program based on proofs of decisions in order to fully realize the vision of the African Union.
As the production of the official statistics of the continent is the exclusive preserve of the national statistical authorities, in the same vein, the continental sovereignty to harmonize and produce official statistics for the entire continent falls within the purview of STATAFRIC which works in collaboration with African Union Member Countries, Regional Economic Communities and Development Partners for the implementation of the African Charter on Statistics and the Strategy for the Harmonization of Statistics in Africa (SHaSA 2).
STATAFRIC is tasked with coordinating and regulating the African Statistical System, making it speak one voice, with a common statistical language by ensuring the harmonization of statistical concepts, methods, structures, and norms for the whole continent.
Legal Status
- STATAFRIC is hereby established as a Specialized Technical Office of the Union.
- STATAFRIC shall possess in the territory of host country legal capacity necessary for the fulfilment of its objectives and exercise of its functions, including the capacity:
- a) To enter into contracts;
- b) To acquire and dispose of immovable and movable property; and
- c) To enter and to respond to legal proceedings